POLICE REPORT Aug 20, 2017

Chief Inspector Ricardo Henson


Scammers are actively skimming ATM machines on the island.

ATM Credit Card

Reports and relative information have reached the Police Force (KPSM) that once again a group of unknown scammers have targeted numerous ATM machines of the local banks and are actively skimming or attempting to skim cash from these machines.

This criminal act has the fullest attention of the police department who has launched an investigation into this matter. All local banks have been informed of the situation. The Police Department is taking this opportunity to inform all ATM users to take the following precautions to avoid becoming a victim of this crime.

Choosing an ATM machine:

Be alert and aware of your surroundings and use an ATM that is located in an open space with bright lights.

If someone appears to be loitering around the ATM machine, go to another location.

If anything looks suspicious, consider cancelling the transaction and leave the area at once.

If the ATM looks different or appears to have any alterations or attachments to the card slot or PIN pad, do not use it. Immediately report anything suspicious to the bank that operates the ATM machine and the police.

Before you go to an ATM machine:

Have your ATM card out and ready to use.

Protect your Personal identification number (PIN) and memorize it. Do not write your PIN on the card or carry it with you, and do not share your PIN with anyone, including family and friends.

Consider having someone accompany you when the ATM machine is used after dark.

At the ATM machine:

Focus on what you are doing. Don’t use a cell phone or do anything else that diverts your attention.

Never allow a stranger to assist you in conducting an ATM transaction, even if you have trouble.

If the ATM machine retains your card, notify the branch as soon as possible.

Prevent others from seeing your PIN entry by using your body or hand to shield the ATM machine keypad.

If you are in a vehicle at a drive-up ATM machine, only open your window when you are ready to make a transaction. Keep your doors locked and the engine running.

When you are finished, put your receipt, card, and money away quickly. Count cash later in the safety of your vehicle, home, or other secure area.

As you return to your vehicle after your transaction, have your car keys ready and observe the area around your vehicle.

Go to the nearest public area where people are located if you are followed after making a transaction and call the police.

If someone does approach you and demands your money, do not resist. Remember everything you can about the person and call the police.

Please report any irregularity and or strange behavior to the Sint Maarten Police by calling, 911, 54-22222 or the tip line 9300.


Students get field trip of Police Head Quarters.

As part of the introduction for students advanced to secondary education for the Academic year 2017-2018 on Wednesday August 16th 2017 students from the Sundial School and on Thursday August 17th students from the Milton Peters College were given a field trip of the Police Head Quarters located in Philipsburg.

The field trip consisted of general information regarding the structure of the police force, including a visit to different departments and the daily operations.

The Police Chief Carl John wishes all students and teachers much success during the 2017-2018 Academic year and adds that the Police Department will be rolling out several prevention programs for the youth such as Cops and Kids and TAPS.

The last school year was relatively calm with fights among students. This school year the police will show their presence more in order maintain order and security for all students.

Armed robberies

The Special Unit Robberies is presently investigating three armed robberies which took place on Wednesday August 16th and Thursday August 17th. The victims of these armed robberies were persons either stepping into or out of their vehicle. They were all held at gun point and their valuables stolen. During one of the cases the vehicle was stolen from the victim.

The Police department is doing its utmost to protect you, you family and your property from crime and is therefore advising the entire community and mainly drivers to take the following precautions to avoid becoming a victim.

  1. Be aware of your surrounding at all times.
  2. Be alert to suspicious people and vehicles.
  3. Avoid dangerous situations.

For drivers:

  1. Park your car in a well-lit area and make sure all windows and door are locked properly.
  2. Avoid carrying a large amount of cash. Don’t flash it around and carry it in a safe place.
  3. Pay attention to suspicious persons hanging around.
  4. When returning to your vehicle or your home, have your keys ready to open the door.
  5. Before entering you vehicle, check front and rear seats for anyone that may be hiding there. Lock doors immediately after entering.