iSTEP launches Digital Storytelling Campaign



Entitled “iSTEPPING Coz SXM Strong”

The iSTEP team has launched a digital storytelling campaign entitled “iSTEPPING coz SXM Strong”. The theme playfully incorporates S’Maatin dialect  and was started as an outlet  for students to express themselves, however with a digital twist. The campaign seeks to emphasize the fact that yes, Hurricane Irma was at the time a very bad experience. However, Hurricane Irma will provide St. Maarten with new opportunities, especially for the children of St. Maarten. iSTEP would like to stimulate the children to not only reflect on the experience of the passing of Hurricane Irma but to look to the future.

Therefore, the iSTEP team is inviting all schools on St. Maarten to participate in this digital storytelling activity. Students are asked to write a script for a 3 minute long video detailing how they would like to see St. Maarten rebuild and what their hopes are for the future of St. Maarten post Hurricane Irma. Each participating school will choose their top three submissions in which the iSTEP team will then go into the schools and video tape the students telling their stories using production tools. These digital stories will then be aired on various media platforms. This campaign also forms part of the national #SXMSTRONG Campaign and the lineup of activities geared towards celebrating St. Martin Day.

The iSTEP team is kindly requesting to receive the top three written submissions from the participating schools by October 30th 2017 via email; [email protected]. Taping of the submissions will take place as per November 1st 2017. The iSTEP team will also accept all written submissions at a later date and create a collage of all stories because every submission is valuable. For more information, please feel free to email the iSTEP team at [email protected].