National Recovery Plan for the reconstruction and recovery of Sint Maarten available for public review

Prime Minister Mr. William Marlin presenting the interim National Recovery Plan to the President of Parliament Mrs. Sarah Wescot-Williams.


PHILIPSBURG – On Monday October 23rd, the interim report of the work group National Recovery Plan (NRP) for the reconstruction and recovery of Sint Maarten will be available after 3:00 PM on the website, the website that Government launched shortly after the passing of Hurricane Irma. 

The interim report entitled Interim Report National Recovery Plan provides a preliminary analysis of the economic impact expected due to the loss of the country’s main business activities and infrastructure. The main objective of the work group NRP was to take the various available damage and needs assessments into consideration and to consult various stakeholders on local and international level to ensure a comprehensive plan, a roadmap for the reconstruction and recovery of Sint Maarten, for the short, mid and long term. This process will continue for the final draft of the National Recovery Plan.

The guiding principle the work group utilized was “Build Back Better”.  Based on this principle, the report outlines measures and initiatives to support the return of a robust economy, equitable social services and a resilient infrastructure. The recommendations are divided into five focal areas, namely sustainable economic development, including poverty eradication; education; maintenance of law and order; social infrastructure which includes public health and public housing and Institutional Strengthening.  A dedicated organization would be necessary to implement the recovery plan once the plan is formalized and funding options have been identified. This dedicated office for recovery will be tasked with managing the implementation of the initiatives, projects and programs.

On October 26, 2017 the interim report will be debated in a Central Committee meeting of Parliament. In preparation for the debate Prime Minister Mr. William Marlin recently presented the Interim Report National Recovery Plan to the President of Parliament Mrs. Sarah Wescot-Williams. The input, suggestions and adjustments arising from this debate and public responses will be used to finalize the report that is due at the end of November / beginning December 2017.

As for now the interim report can be used as a basis to structure the use of funds that may be provided by the Netherlands, the European Union and any other funding institutions.