Charlotte Brookson Academy gift of books in time for “We Christmas Village”  

Students of Charlotte Brookson Academy of the Performance Arts hold up books presented to the school by Nzinga Lake (R), one of the instructors at CBA.


GREAT BAY, St. Martin —The Charlotte Brookson Academy of the Performance Arts (CBA) recently received its gift of books, in time to include material from the St. Martin books in its holiday season show. The “We Christmas Village” show features CBA students in theater, music, and dance performances on Thursday, December 14, at 7:30 PM, at Philipsburg Cultural Center, said Nzinga Lake.

Lake ordered three books for CBA, including National Symbols of St. Martin – as part of the “Build Back St. Martin Libraries with Books!” drive by House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP). The publisher added the Fête booklet and two other titles complimentary, which Lake received on November 20, said Jacqueline Sample, president of the non-profit foundation. Arnia’s and Van Dorp bookstores are participating in the post-hurricane book drive.

“It’s a jollification call island-wide,” said Sample, to “Buy 1 copy of the popular history book National Symbols of St. Martin for a school, classroom, public library, office or home library of your choice and get 1 free copy of another HNP book like Love Songs Make You Cry.”