Look Out for Counterfeit EC Bank Notes



CARIBBEAN — The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) is urging the public to be cognisant of counterfeit notes during the upcoming Christmas and New Year celebrations, since individuals often attempt to circulate them during periods of heightened commercial activity and at large public gatherings.

The public is reminded that counterfeit notes have no value, and that persons in possession of them may be prosecuted. All persons are therefore urged to exercise caution, particularly at night and in dimly lit situations, and to look out for the security features when accepting notes. These include the following:

Security Threads – when a banknote is viewed from the front under reflected UV light, the letters ECCB and the denomination value of the note are clearly visible in yellow, against a blue background. A second security thread is also present which is a narrow, continuous black line to the left of the Queen’s portrait.

Raised Print Over Foil – The notes bear a highly reflective silver foil, which shows the denomination. The letters ECCB and the denomination can be seen in small print around the foil. For added security, the foil is over-printed with a raised print.

Watermark – A mould-made watermark depicting Queen Elizabeth II appears three- dimensional, when held up to the light.

Novel Numbering – Each individual banknote bears a unique serial number, which is printed vertically on the left hand side of the note and horizontally in “novel” numbering style on the right hand side.

See Through Feature – When the genuine note is held up to the light, parts of the fish fill in, as the area on the back of the note line up perfectly with the front.

Please be reminded that genuine bank notes are printed on special paper that gives them a unique feel.

Posters highlighting the security features of the Eastern Caribbean Bank Notes are available on the Bank’s website at www.eccb-centralbank.org. You may also contact the ECCB Agency Office at 491 – 6877 should you have any questions or queries. (source: discovermni.com)