No parking in front of Court House as of Monday, December 4th, 2017.



GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – The Inspectorate of TEATT (Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications) by way of executing the minister’s vision of eliminating the often chaotic situations of taxis parked in front of the Court House at Captain Hodge Wharf, hereby informs the general public that all vehicles including taxis will be prohibited from parking in front of the Court House at Captain Hodge Wharf as of Monday, December 4th, 2017.

With the assistance of Ministry VROMI the square will be closed off to vehicular traffic.

All taxis will make use of the normal lineup area between the public paid parking lot and RBC Bank.  The parking lot in the rear of the former Government Administration Building will be used as a staging area for overflow taxis.

A taxi dispatch booth will be stationed at the entrance to the parking lot to control the flow and dispatching of taxis from this area. A second taxi dispatching station will be placed at the entrance to the Captain Hodge Wharf at Cyrus Wathey Square to facilitate tourists debarking the Captain Hodge Wharf and those tourists on Front Street.

Government Taxi Dispatchers will man both these stations and all dispatching will be done via Taxi dispatchers on site. All taxis are to abide by the line-up system and await their turn to be dispatched.

Taxi drivers are to remain with their vehicles and soliciting of tourists is prohibited as stipulated by LBHAM Personenvervoer.

Officers from Control Unit and Casino Control will also be supporting the dispatching process to ensure that law and order is maintained and dispatching is done quickly.