Marinka Gumbs: The way I see it….


Is this what the former Prime Minister Mr. William Marlin resorted to?

I have mentioned this before on the Facebook post of a candidate on the NA, where I asked what was the added value in this so-called ‘scandal video’?
It is certainly old news that back in October 2014, I a member of the Democratic Party tendered my resignation, and seeing that this is/ was my prerogative, I gave full disclosure to my Leader and board of my reasons and stood firm of my decision.

This is not even news worthy, further more to belittle one self by forwarding this ‘scandal video’ to your contacts on whatsapp gives me pause.

So much happened since then, I not only reapplied to become a member of the Democratic Party, but postulated myself, and became the party’s President, in addition to running  as the Anchor, the #18 candidate in the September 26, 2016 Parliamentary Election.

My suggestion to you Mr. Marlin is to focus on the important issues to campaign on. Take stock/ responsibility for your actions or lack thereof as Prime Minister of St. Maarten post Hurricane Irma.

1. A Commander in charge in times of crisis does not go in hiding.

2. A Commander makes sure that shelters are identified before a hurricane and not blame the Red Cross a non-profit organization, for not having the shelters opened, post Hurricane Irma.

3. A Commander realises the need of funding, for the people of St. Maarten especially after seeing the devastation caused by the worst natural disaster and accept offers, not at the 11th hour when he realised his time was up.

4. A Commander does not go on radio and say it was difficult for anyone to reach him by phone because of the amount of steel in his house. But even when the olive branch was extended you felt the need to thump your chest like King Tut and say no need for a broad based government. When it was time to put egos, pride and self enrichment aside for the greater good of this Country.

5. A Commander should have told his “big bad wolf” to respect a woman like Sarah. It isn’t for nothing that NA/USP felt the need to have DP join as coalition partners. Is it that neither William or Frans trusted each other to be in the coalition alone? I mean you had 8. But things quickly went sour when among other things the quote 10 minus 2 = 8 was echoed. If it’s one thing you should know by now about Sarah is you can’t manage her!!!

Seeing that A Commander turn ‘video producer’ sending out ‘Scandal video’, perhaps the next episode should be on the Oyster pond / Captain Oliver’s Border Scandal.

~~M. Gumbs ~~
