VSA to distribute water survival kits donated by Rotary



Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — The Department of Labor and Social Affairs will coordinate the distribution of seventy (70) water survival kits and four (4) aqua boxes that were donated by the international and regional Rotary Clubs to St. Maarten. The donation offers an alternative for water to displaced families or those without access to clean water.

The water survival kits and aqua water filters will be distributed to families most in need according to the Basic Necessities program database managed by the Department of Labor and Social Affairs. The families will be instructed on how to use the water purification kit.

The donation was presented by the District Governor (DG) of Rotary District 7020 Dr. Robert Leger accompanied by his wife Mrs. Rosa Leger and the leadership of the different Rotary Clubs on Sint Maarten. The Ministry of VSA was extremely happy with the content of the water survival kits and aqua boxes, and to assist the Rotary Clubs of St. Maarten with the distribution to persons in need of these supplies.

The kits were officially handed over to the Minister of Health, the Honorable Emil Lee at the Government Administration Building. The Honorable Minister Lee was very impressed by this generous donation and thanked DG Robert Leger, Rotary International and the Rotary Clubs from the United Kingdom and Switzerland on behalf of the Government and people of St. Maarten.