Escalation of gang fights at BHS leads to lockdown Thursday; police called to prevent escalation

Commissioner Queeley


Basseterre, St. Kitts, – There are reports Thursday night of daily gang fights at the Basseterre High School (BHS) at Taylor’s.

According to multiple sources Thursday’s fight was the third in as many days and resulted in a lockdown of the school after an altercation between two students.

According to sources, police rushed to the school to prevent an escalation and restore calm after the brother of one of the fighters tried to enter the compound.

It is said one of the boys in Thursday’s fighting was involved in skirmishes for three consecutive days.

“We were all terrified. Our teacher locked the door to secure all of us,” a student said.

She said here were at least five fights at the BHS last week.

A parent familiar with the incidents said the gang of boys fighting are said to be students from Form 3-5.

Police reportedly held one of the boys and took him away from the school’s premises.