Reckless teen gets off light



PHILIPSBURG – The Court in First Instance sentenced an 18-year old boy to 80 hours of conditional community service and to mandatory anger management training for a stunt he pulled on December 16 of last year.

The probation office describes Quimarni Dereushay Adonis Brown as a quiet boy who can explode when he perceives injustice. Hence the court’s decision to send the boy to anger management training.

In November, the police initially failed to stop Brown when they spotted him driving a scooter. The then 17-year old escaped the police by driving recklessly, without a helmet and without insurance, it appeared later on.

A couple of days later he was still arrested and that did not go down well. According to the public prosecutor he resisted arrested, attempted to head-butt police officers and displayed obnoxious behavior. The defendant denied that he told officers: “Motherfuckers, fuck you all.”

The prosecutor considered the charges for resisting arrest and insulting police officers proven, but he saw no evidence for making threats. “Police officers are not easily scared.”

The prosecutor demanded 80 hours of community service, wholly conditional, and mandatory anger management training. “And I demand to confiscate the scooter; that will hurt,” he added.

Attorney Safira Ibrahim asked the court to acquit her client for lack of evidence and to return the scooter to him.

The judge acquitted Brown of resisting arrest and threatening police officers but sentenced him for insults, and reckless and uninsured driving. He also ruled that the boy’s scooter will remain confiscated.