Minister of Tourism De Weever deadline approaches to apply for CTO Scholarships and Study Grants



POND ISLAND – Acting Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) Cornelius de Weever, says the deadline is approaching very fast with less than two weeks left for interested persons and young people to apply for the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Scholarship Foundation for study grants and scholarships.

Interested persons must fill out application forms, supply all of the necessary information and return them directly to the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s headquarters, 7th Floor, Barbados Tower, Warrens, St. Michael, Barbados, Tel: 246-427-5242; Fax: 246-429-3065 by the deadline date of April 15, 2018.

The CTO scholarship foundation is accepting applications for the aforementioned from Caribbean nationals in CTO member countries.  Sint Maarten is a member of the CTO.

The main aim of the CTO Foundation is to provide opportunities for Caribbean nationals to pursue studies in the areas of tourism, hospitality and language training.

The Foundation selects individuals who demonstrate high levels of achievement and leadership both within and outside the classroom and who express a strong interest in making a positive contribution to Caribbean tourism.

The Foundation offers the following types of assistance and the various forms are downloadable from the Caribbean Tourism Organization website

  • Scholarships of up to US$12,000 to individuals wanting to study tourism or hospitality at the Master’s (post graduate) level.  Download 2018 Scholarship Application Form
  • Study grants of up to US$2,500 to individuals pursing tourism/hospitality studies at the certificate, diploma, associate degree or first degree level, and to industry personnel who want to gain proficiency in a second language to assist them in their job.  Download 2018 Study Grant Application Form
  • A scholarship of up to US$2,500 is offered in the name of CTO’s former Director of Research and Information Management, Mr. Arley Sobers, for persons working in local tourism organizations such as the Ministry of Tourism or the Board of Tourism, who wish to strengthen their skills in the areas of research and statistics. Download 2018 Arley Sobers Scholarship Application Form

Studies can be pursued both within and outside the region.