Guyana Consulate announces arrival of new passports

Guyana's Honorary Consul to St. Maarten, Mr. Cleveland Beresford


~ New phone number, email address ~

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten (April 25, 2018) – All persons of Guyanese citizenship who applied for new passports in March can uplift same at the 158B Back Street office of the St. Maarten Guyanese Association (SMGA) in Philipsburg, says Honorary Consul of Guyana, Mr. Cleveland Beresford.

Additionally, persons are being urged to use the new number and email address for the consulate when requiring assistance in all matters. The new number to use for the Consulate’s Office is 542-7314 and the email address is [email protected].

All persons who have not picked up their new documents since January are being asked to do so and others are reminded that applications for new passports must be submitted at least six months before the travel document expires.

The Consulate Office, which is housed in the same building as the SMGA, will be closed for the Carnival holidays until Wednesday, May 2, 208.