R.I.P Irma Dead


By Fabian Badejo

Today is a day I’d like to forget

But all the forgotten

Are wailing from the belly

Of the sea

From the eerie silence

Of the earth above them

They all shout out

Like the swearing winds

Of Irma: Remember us

At least today.

How many of you fell

Into the tsunami waves

Of that monster from hell?

How many found in the coffins

Of their vessels

When Simpson Bay became a cemetery for seafarers?

Can anyone tell me

How many were butchered

By the sharp teeth of zinc

While seeking to save

Their grandmothers?

Or dragged mercilessly away

As they clutched the hands

Of their loved ones?

Today is a day I want to forget

But the moribund voices

Of the forgotten

Are telling me to remember

For we who survived

Have turned cowardly beggars

Waiting for the crumbs of bread

Massa believes is too much

For us to handle by ourselves.

Those Irma in her fury

Took away to reunite

With the ancestors

Deep deep down

Beneath the raging sea

Want to know

If the loss of a roof,

The loss of a house

The loss of a job,

Is greater

Than the loss of their lives.

Today is a day I’d like to forget

But I’m reminded

That those who forget

To remember their dead

Really have little

To live for.

                                                St. Martin, September 6, 2018.