Mr. Glen A. Carty, Director of SZV


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Social & Health Insurances SZV has been actively advocating to employers, the obligation to declare and to pay the respective social security premiums by the use of mass compliance campaigns and wage audits. This month, SZV will be disbursing “bulk” demand notes to companies registered in its system that have an outstanding regarding ZV/OV and AOV/AWW premiums.

Companies receiving the notice are reminded to pay their outstanding amounts or risk further collection measures.

Companies who are unable to pay the total of their outstanding in one lump sum amount may request a payment plan. Once a payment plan is confirmed, the employer must assure that current monthly payments are being executed.

“We know that the country is facing hard economic times, these controls are not an attack on companies. However, the law is clear and the payment of premiums are required to secure the health care financing of those entitled. The funds are ‘filled’ based on a solidarity principle and all companies must declare and pay these premiums.” – Glen A. Carty, Director SZV Companies who do not declare their monthly premiums on time will be assessed by SZV and will have to pay the assessed amount.

The objection procedure on an assessment is available online at

By maintaining the set monthly deadlines, companies can avoid the hassle of fines and an objection procedure. In escalated cases of non-payment, SZV does have the authority to issue leans and auctions on goods and property to pay off the debt of social premiums. These measures are of course less desirable, but still necessary.

“If you know you have an outstanding amount at SZV, contact us and let’s get it regulated.” – Glen A. Carty, Director SZV Companies that are registered but have not updated their files, for example; no longer have employees, out of business, amount of employees have changed etc., are asked to contact SZV to update their administration and or submit the required mutation form. Mutations forms must be submitted timely, accurately and completely. This will reduce unnecessary issuance of assessments and fines by SZV to the

The monthly deadline to declare and pay the social premiums is the 15th of each month. SZV has introduced several options to improve customer service for the employer, including an online employer portal making it possible to declare premiums online at your own convenience without having to visit SZV.

Payments can be made through the different online systems of local banks, eliminating therefore the need to visit SZV offices. Should a company need to visit SZV, they can visit the dedicated Employers service desk, limiting waiting time and offering customized customer support.