CPS and Partners to Resume Women Breast Abnormalities Screenings



GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – The Collective Preventive Services (CPS), a department in the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, along with partners, the American University of the Caribbean (AUC) and the Positive Foundation, will resume its breast abnormalities screening survey on Saturday, October 27.

In June 2017, the three aforementioned partners started with the study with the aim to screen up to 500 women in a period of one-year with the possibility to extend for another year in order to reach the target number.

The purpose of the study is to identify breast abnormalities that can be risk factors for diseases of the breast as early as possible and to refer for further diagnosis and treatment.

The target audience are women 18+ years of age.  The screening will entail gathering the following information: height/weight, blood pressure, blood glucose and blood cholesterol, and an examination of the breasts.