Open Letter to Our legal Minds



Sometimes, things happen in politics that triggers me to question. The media brought the issue regarding the island of St. Eustatius taking Holland to court. As a result, St. Eustatius decided to start legal proceedings against the Dutch government, after the Netherlands removed the legally elected Members of the Island and Executive Councils of Statia from office.

Based on their argument for their decision, I had expected Holland to take legal action against one or more of these government officials in St. Eustatius. And charge them with wrong doing or neglect of duties; however, this did not happened.

So I would like to know, if Members of the Island Councils who were duly elected by the people of St. Eustatius can be taken to court for wrong doing or neglect of duty.

When the Lt. Governor and the Commissioners were put out of office, the salaries for those functions were also stopped, and according to information, those persons are not receiving a salary.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands consists of four (4) countries, namely Aruba, Curacao, Holland and St. Maarten. Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire have been embedded in Holland, and even though this has happened, it was always the case that the six (6) islands of the former Netherlands Antilles would always have the right to determine their constitutional future.

Recent news reminds us that Holland cannot pull out of this relationship and leave the other islands by themselves.  In other words, Holland cannot put any of the islands out of the Kingdom without the permission of other countries.

In the past, the Kingdom government and or Holland would levy higher supervision on an island. This would happen together with a plan of action, which would contain a budget and a timeframe.

Can we say that Members of the Island Council are hired and or elected by the people?

Can Members of the Island Council be put aside and be replaced by persons who were not elected by the people?

Now that this has happened on St. Eustatius, can it also be repeated on another island?

Can this be done on Aruba, Curacao or St. Maarten? Is this article 43 at work?

Those questions I can ask to Members of Parliament, but. I would like to hear the opinion of our legal minds, as it pertains to this issue. St. Maarten consists of so many law firms and or lawyers, and I am sure, there must have been someone thinking of this, while paying close attention to the situation.

Do we have to wait until a professor emerges from across the Atlantic and he/she writes an opinion, after which, we comment or do we have enough legal minds of our own to have a healthy exchange?

Your input /opinion is important…

Drs. Rodolphe Samuel