Couple arrested by police



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten (KPS) — On Thursday, November 15th at approximately 03.15 p.m. a female identified with initials D.P.G.  was arrested by the police bike-patrol in the vicinity of Burger Madness on the Board Walk for illegally peddling items to mainly tourists visiting the island.

The female in question does not have a permit to do so and on various occasions was warned by police to refrain from selling items illegally and should apply for a permit. This suspect cooperated totally with officers during the arrest. The bag containing items the suspect was selling was also confiscated as evidence.

After the arrest by the police officers, the suspect was taken to Front Street to await transportation by a police motor vehicle to the Philipsburg Police Head Quarters. While on Front Street the officers were confronted by a man who stated that the female in question was his partner and wanted to know why she was arrested.

He was informed by an officer on location that he should report to the police station, where all information would be given to him. This man identified with initials L.P. was not satisfied with the answer given by police and started to verbally attack the officers and at one point intentionally made body contact with one officer. This man was repeatedly warned by the officers to conduct himself and not to cause any obstruction in them carrying out their duty.

This man did not adhere to these warnings and continued to misbehave.

When the motor vehicle transport arrived on the scene the arresting officers saw when the man grabbed confiscated the bag from the ground next to the female suspect and took off running in the direction of Sea Palace on Front Street. One officer immediately responded by grabbing on to the man, now a suspect, and the evidence.

The suspect started to resist ferociously by pulling away from and kicking in the direction of the officers in the attempt to get away. The resistance was very intense and other officers had to get involved to restrain the suspect.

Shortly after the suspect was restrained he was arrested and taken to the Philipsburg Police Station for questioning and further investigation. Both suspects were brought before an Acting Prosecutor and then turned over to Detectives for further investigation.