Minister Johnson Applauds the nation’s volunteers



POND ISLAND, Sint Maarten – Volunteers build resilient communities, and the volunteers of Sint Maarten continue to play a very important role in the rebuilding process of the country since the hurricanes of September 2017, Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs Stuart Johnson said on Sunday.

Sint Maarten has a number of very active volunteer clubs, social, and youth organizations. Each organization has a board and membership who play very important roles in the execution of community projects and membership training and education.

“I would like to thank the Sint Maarten volunteer community who every year contribute their free time to their communities.  Volunteers do build resilient communities.

“Their work is as important as other public and private sector professions. During this time of the year, the festive season, our volunteers are also busy carrying out different fundraising projects for the needy and less fortunate.

“Our volunteers must be considered as our heroes.  Even during times of natural disaster, our volunteer community stepped up to the plate and did what had to be done by working tirelessly to help members of our community.

“I take the opportunity to congratulate all those who continue to do good in our community and contribute in a meaningful way.  It enriches our socio-economic development as a nation.

“I take this opportunity to call on others in our society to join Sint Maarten voluntary groups and also make your mark on our community, because we need every volunteer in order to build a resilient community.

“Be part of the process of building back better. Let us all work together and transform Sint Maarten for a brighter and prosperous future in social and cultural development,” Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs Stuart Johnson said on Sunday.