Prime Minister Romeo-Marlin calls on community to support K1 Britannia Christmas Angels



PHILIPSBURG – On Friday afternoon December 14th, Prime Minister Leona Romeo Marlin joined the many supporters K1 Britannia by donating to their 5th annual Christmas Angels program.

“I would like to encourage as many persons as possible in the community to donate to this worthy cause and share in the Christmas spirit of giving back” said Prime Minister Romeo-Marlin. K1 Britannia are hosting the Christmas Angels program at the entrance of the Government Building on Soualuiga Road #1, in Philipsburg from Friday December 14th until Sunday December 16th, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Person that contribute to this worthy cause will be grateful to know that their funds will go towards a number of organizations on Sint Maarten including the clients of Sister Basilia Center and the boys and girls at the I Can and UJIMA foster homes.