Argument escalates into fight and the arrest of numerous people



DUTCH QUARTER, Sint Maarten (KPS)– The Detective Department is presently investigating a case involving numerous persons several of which were arrested after an argument between a couple had taken place and quickly got out of hand. This incident took place on Sunday March 17th at approximately 02.15 a.m. on Sao Paolo road in Zorg en Rust also known as the 911 Project. Several police patrols were sent to the scene to assist in the incident.

The incident started as a result of an argument between a couple which quickly turned into fight. The situation then escalated at which time family members of the female got involved. Stones were thrown by family members injuring the male victim involved to his head. On the arrival of the patrols the situation had seriously gotten out of hand involving numerous persons. The female victim involved for still unclear reasons suffered a possible broken arm.

During this incident an argument broke out between two other men who were near the scene at which time a shot was fired. Immediately the investigating officers looked in to this situation and located the firearm which was used. No one was injured during the shooting however two male suspects were arrested in connection with this incident. Another man came on the scene and tried to obstruct the officers from making the arrests. This suspect identified with initials M. was also arrested.

The victim were treated on the scene by paramedics and then transported to the Sint Maarten Medical Center for further treatment. Detectives are presently investigating the situation to piece together what exactly took place, why and who is responsible for which criminal act because the situation at this point is very unclear. When more details into this investigation becomes available the media will informed.