Here it is :Introducing Easy filing.



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — We have  launched a site called  as a tool for the general public to file their Income taxes, because we are of the opinion  that the general public is deliberately being made to believe that taxes are complicated and you have to spend a lot of money and time to file your taxes. This can be made easy and we are doing just that.

Easy Filing is the first in the Easy group of services, we will be launching more Easy tools to make it easy for persons and business to file taxes, manage HR tasks, Payroll, Accounting and more.

Filing taxes is considered a huge and difficult task by many, because the forms are quite complicated. The forms are translated from Dutch and the terms used are uncommon to the man in the street. Secondly, most of the questions asked are inapplicable to man in the street.

The myth is being maintained, rather than empowering the people to be self-sufficient, we intend to change that with this product.

All Easy products, are easy to use, as the name implies, if you have your information ready,  it doesn’t take more that 5 minutes to file your Income tax . To make it even easier, we only ask normal questions, no more cryptically translated legal/technical Dutch questions.

The first Declaration is FREE and the next ones are at a small fee.

Try it out at and do you Income tax in 5 minutes for FREE.