Cadwell, Inc. Partners with N.V. GEBE to implement innovative recycling initiative to process remaining Hurricane Irma debris and other materials



More than one million pounds of recyclables cleaned, processed and exported to date with more to come, freeing up space while reducing potential pollutants

PHILIPSBURG, ST. MAARTEN – Cadwell, Inc., a leading recycling and distribution company serving the Caribbean and Europe, partnered with N.V. G.E.B.E. to process and export more than a million pounds of recyclables with plans to hopefully double that amount in the near future.  Phase one of the project filled 20 shipping containers, each weighing more than 45,000 pounds each.  Phase two will include an additional 10, weighing more than 60,000 pounds apiece.

“This represents a major step for both G.E.B.E. and St. Maarten to accomplish its environmental and clean energy goals,” said Andrew Cadwell, CEO, and co-founder of Cadwell, Inc.  “We have been so fortunate to work with CEO Kenrick Chittick and his forward-thinking team of professionals.”

Much of the materials consisted of debris left over from Hurricane Irma, including poles, transformers, streetlights, cables and other metals from the damaged substation and water tanks.  All materials had to be gathered, sorted, cleaned, transported, and loaded into shipping containers.  The entire project was accomplished with local citizen labor and trucking.

“Hurricane Irma made its mark on our island causing significant damage and destruction to our substation and water tanks,” said G.E.B.E. CEO Kenrick Chittick.  “This project is good for St. Maarten, good for the environment and good for jobs.” This is just one aspect of G.E.B.E.’s ongoing plans to implement more efficient, cleaner power generation migrating to renewables and cleaner burning natural gas.

The debris and recyclables were previously stored on four separate job sites, totaling five to six acres.  Now clear, G.E.B.E. is expanding its safety and training program.

A great example of the teamwork required to tackle a project of this magnitude, is the cooperation and assistance received from Meadowlands Waste Company.

“It’s great to see how we all got together for a common goal, as exemplified by GEBE donating 55-gallon drums to Meadowlands in order to increase recycling throughout the cities,” Mr. Chittick added.

Critical assistance came from Mr. Yannick Hodge, G.E.B.E. Power Plant Material Manager, and other essential members of G.E.B.E., such as Mr. Patrick Drijvers, Mr. Romnet Rolando and Mr. Ramiro Hernandez. Throughout the project, they demonstrated a strong comradery and organization as a team.

“We are looking forward to a long-term relationship with G.E.B.E. and other important institutions on St. Maarten,” said Mr. Cadwell.  “Our company shares Mr. Chittick’s commitment to the local community and to doing business with the greatest honesty and integrity, always putting the needs of St. Maarten’s citizens first.”

About:  Pompano Beach, Florida-based Cadwell, Inc. is a leading recycling distribution company focused on the Caribbean and Central America.  In addition to its robust distribution offerings, Cadwell works closely with governments, utilities and large institutions to reduce landfill waste by cleaning up landfills and implementing and managing recycling programs that benefit the health and wellbeing of local residents and the environment as a whole.  The company is also on a mission to give back to the communities it serves by funding renewable energy conversion projects for schools, churches and orphanages that offer inspiration, hope and a path for meaningful change.  For more information, visit or email us at