MP Buncamper: Do not lose hope in your country.

Members of Parliament of the United St. Maarten Party (USP) Claudius “Toontje” Buncamper

As the year 2020 comes to an end and we move into 2021 most of us have mixed feelings about what we have been through and what we are about to go into. 2020 has undoubtedly been a very challenging year for all of us here and around the world. The Corona Virus, or COVID 19 as it is commonly referred to, has had its effects on our lives, our way of life and our customs.

To those of you who have lost family, friends, colleagues due to the pandemic, I extend my deepest sympathy and I pray that God will grant you the strength as you go through these challenging times.
The feeling of hopelessness is more common than we can imagine, many are even on the verge of giving up because of the uncertainties the pandemic has brought with it for our health, the health of our nation and our ability to recover economically from the devastating consequence of the pandemic.

But these challenges that our country is now facing, albeit the greatest economic challenges in recent times, will pass. The lost jobs and income, will be recovered, perhaps not exactly restored as pre-Covid but I have faith in this country and the people who have built it and continue to build it.

I hope this message reaches you and helps to instill in you some of that lost hope and optimism that we in St. Maarten always seem to be able to muster up to keep on going. If in 2021 we work together, we will achieve a better St. Maarten for all.

A new year faithfully reminds us that there is, in each of us, a spark which can ignite solutions to the challenges we confront.

If in 2021 our leaders are well prepared and stand their ground when negotiating on behalf of this country and its citizens, our people will advance. If in 2021 we promptly revitalize our economy, we will all share in the progress of our country. If in 2021 the pessimists adjust their attitude and do their part in the reconstruction of our country, rather than breakdown others who are trying, we will all enjoy the advantages of a better quality of life on St. Maarten.

Those who in 2021 believe that St. Maarten is incapable of managing its own affairs, and that The Hague should come in and take over the administration of our country, should consider whether they want to be part of the problem or part of the solution. I know of no country that was built in 10 years. There should be no room in this country for those who want to drag us down or hinder our progress.

Our common goal must be to rebuild and improve the economy of this country through sweat and hard work, determination and resilience. Good things don’t come easy, it requires effort!

I thank all who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to protect and safeguard the well-being of others, such as our police officers, doctors and nurses, ambulance department, firefighters and all the other frontline workers. Your unfailing efforts have not gone unnoticed- job well done!

As 2021 approaches, I urge all of you to maintain hope in this country and its people, have faith and courage. Continue to call on your elected representatives to consistently and genuinely work in the benefit of the people. And most of all, have faith that God will take us through these challenging times. We pray that 2021 will bring you prosperity and good health.
Let’s bring in 2021 safely!

Member of Parliament Claudius Buncamper
USP Faction in Parliament.