New political party Ubuntu Connected Front takes interests of the Caribbean at heart in upcoming Dutch Parliament elections



“Equality is a human right, not a privilege”

TILBURG, the NetherlandsUbuntu Connected Front (UCF), officially listed #29 Friday, February 5th by the Electoral Council in The Hague, The Netherlands, will be participating in the upcoming Dutch parliamentary elections on March 17 in 13 of the 20 electoral districts. This includes Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire (officially the electoral district Bonaire).

Central theme of the electoral program is that equality is a human right and not a privilege.
With the Manifest ‘Agenda for Transformation’, UCF is working towards fundamental revision of systems and structures that hinder progress and prosperity. A battle won against any form of injustice, inequality and exclusion for one, is ultimately a gain for everyone.

Three candidates from the islands
Three candidates on the list are born and raised on St. Eustatius. Two well-known politicians of St. Eustatius, Mr. Charles Woodley and Mr. Carlos Lopes are candidates #7 and # 13 on the list.

Campaign coordinator for Ubuntu Connected Front in Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba (BES) and runner #3 is Kenneth Cuvalay:
“Many people know that I was never into politics, but the Manifest of Ubuntu Connected Front has changed my mind. I have been fighting against injustice, racism, colonialism, and dominant Dutch-Eurocentric thinking my whole life. One of the chapters in the UCF Manifest is on how to tackle the inequalities, injustice, and the hardship people endure on the islands Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire. People are losing more and more control over their properties and social and cultural way of life. Particularly in Bonaire, many people feel alienated on their own island due to the increasing manifestation of Dutch European culture.”

All it takes is one seat for Ubuntu Connected Front in the Second Chamber, and we will be able to make a big difference for the daily life of the people in the Dutch Caribbean.
While UCF is a party for all, it also addresses the ‘Black Agenda’ in relation to the marginalization and exclusion of people of African descent. None of the long-standing parties reflects substantially the interest of people of African descent.

The Ubuntu Principle
The principle of Ubuntu is based on living in a society where everyone counts.
Fundamental difference in the Manifest in contrast to other party programs is that it explicitly seeks to tackle white privilege, and systemic and organizational bias. It should not be the case that a ‘black’ man from Amsterdam South East, for example, lives fifteen years shorter than a ‘white’ man from Wassenaar.

It should not be the case that Dutch citizens living in Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire are treated unequally than citizens in the European part of the Netherlands. Many islanders are living in socioeconomic deprivation and have a lack of perspective. Ubuntu Connected Front addresses these issues extensively.

Continue the struggle of our ancestors now and into the future
Party leader of Ubuntu Connected Front, Regillio Vaarnold, human rights lawyer, is proud that his party is participating in 13 of the 20 electoral districts: “This is a young and determined party. Where many talk, we have moved mountains in a very short period.
Our Manifest is strong and we will fight for the people who have been marginalized and oppressed for ages, and experience this up to now in their daily struggles in life. In memory and honor of our spiritual and courageous ancestors who fought for our freedom against oppression, we now bear a moral duty and responsibility to continue the struggle they fought as their legacy.”

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