Minister of VROMI supports the HEALTH of civil servants

Minister Egbert Doran, Mr. Jansen, Ms. A. Groeneveldt. -- Photo by King from SnapiT Studios
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On Wednesday May 19, 2021 the Department of Infrastructure from the Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development, and Infrastructure (V.R.O.M.I) purchased 11 Body Support Vests for their employees in order to assist them with the physical demands that often occurs with being a V.R.O.M.I. employee.
Mr. D. Lejuez, Project /Program Leader & Yard Manger, stated how they could not have arrived at a better time due to the fact that the guys have been having many back complaints and have had to call in sick due to that. Mr. E. Jansen, head of operations, was also grateful.
The Body Support Vest is a proud creation of one of our own locals, Ms. A. Groeneveldt, who represented St. Maarten, with this same product, in the 2018 Caribbean and Latin America Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in the Finals in China. She and her team are all grateful that the Government of Sint Maarten stepped up to the plate to purchase A QUALITY PRODUCT for the sake of the HEALTH of the worker.
“My country and its people are very important to me. It is such an honour and privilege to know that from now on these amazing and hard working men who take care of our country, will also be taken care of by their backs and bodies being supported during those long working days. Less sick days means both parties win.” stated Ms. Groeneveldt.
My team and I commend the Minister Egbert Doran for seeing the importance of INVESTING in its staff.
If you wish to contact Ms. Groeneveldt to purchase Body Support Vest for your employees, simply contact her at +1721 522 8670.