MP Romou and SMPYA Announce Recipients of Youth Excellence Awards for April 2021



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — MP Angelique Romou & the St. Martin Promoting Young Ambassadors Foundation announced the recipients of their collaborative initiative – Young Artist & Athlete of the Month Award of Excellence Program. Using an established selection criterion, MP Romou, Trainers, Teachers and Coaches of the various youth organizations of arts and sports along with the SXM Young Ambassadors nominate individuals each month for the award. April’s Award Recipients are – Sylvere Carty, Troy Florent, Eugenique Levons, Selena Lucas and Miguel Morgan. The students hail from the National Institute of Arts and from the Performance Sports Academy.

Sylvere Carty was awarded for his development in the sport of Capoeira, his a qcoach, Jacques Heemskerk, commended his development in his social interactions and said, “Sylvere has been working on his social engagement within the class and has shown more interests to learn and to interact with the other students. He has shown qualities to become a positive role-model for others.”

Eugenique Levons was recognized in the sport of gymnastics. Her coach, Maureen Castle, applauded her saying that “Eugenique goes to class full of enthusiasm and works hard to improve her skills. She listens very attentively to her teachers and shows much respect. Her hard work paid off with her Stars Competition where she nailed all her routines.”

In the category of dance, Troy Florent was nominated by his teacher, Jonathan van Arneman. Mr. van Arneman lauded Troy for doing a good job of setting an example for the younger ones. In his motivation for choosing Troy he said; “Although he started dance later than most of his peers, he works hard to achieve the same level of excellence and he consistently pushes himself to be his best.”

Selena Lucas, awarded for her hard work in the National Youth Orchestra, was described as the perfect example of commitment. Her teacher, Mr. Dennis Amajan, also described her as a hard worker who started a new instrument 2 years ago from zero and indicated that her progress reached 100%. Most of all, she is humble and works extremely hard. She is a talent to be reckoned with in the string section.”

Lastly, Miguel Morgan award recipient for his performance in the sport of basketball, is the captain of the U20 team and assistant coach to the U17 team. He was described by his coach Omar Beauperthuy as a leader, a relentless hard worker, and is a role model for the U17 team. Miguel is currently averaging 20 points per game in the U20, which is quite impressive.

MP Romou wants to remind all Sport and Art organizations to submit their recipients for the month of May 2021 as they are a still receiving the nominees for the month of May. For those organizations who have not yet gotten in contact with her, they can email MP Romou at [email protected] or [email protected] to inquire about the requirements and qualifications needed to submit their nominations.