Once you follow the laws you can’t go wrong!

Mrs. Pamela Gordon-Carty


Country Sint Maarten like any other country or nation is governed by its laws. In our case Sint Maarten has to be in compliance with International laws, Kingdom laws and our constitution whether it be through national ordinances, ministerial decrees or policies.
The injustices that is happening on country Sint Maarten mainly on labor market are despicable to say the least.

As former minister of VSA for the country of St Maarten, I Mrs Pamela Gordon Carty would like to publicly state that I’m in full support of the organizations, representatives and employees that are taking a stand for their rights. Congratulations to the NAPB and justice workers for believing in your rights and standing for it despite of. All others that are carrying the fight in a decent and respectful manner, fight the fight as it’s your legal right as long it’s done in the right way always lining up the laws.

It’s primordial that especially our justice workers and teachers are treated with outmost respect as they are key contributors of a countries economy welfare. To the pilots and all other group of employees that are going through some challenging moments, remember the ILO conventions should be used as your guideline and the constitution to be in good standing at courts and with the government. It’s needless to mention the numerous labor articles (laws) that are being broken on all three fronts; internationally, on a kingdom and on national level right here on country St. Maarten during this pandemic period and yet our legislative branch is not really doing what I expect them to do. The economy is in the perfect state of an impasse to arrange and pass laws that will repair years of damage to this country, everyone is being entertained with non-action in passing of laws.

Government be reminded that your first duty is to protect the people and this should reflect in your actions. Think outside of the box. In extra ordinary times, extra ordinary measures need to be taken to the advantage of the people, not what we are seeing happening now where unrealistic and unethical measures are being imposed. To government I’m advising to not use covid19 as a reason or justification for non-action in the right direction. The main focus has to be and will remain the people! To the business community I’m informing that Covid19 will come to an end it can’t stay forever but stop abusing the system and our people.

As a business you have a moral obligation towards the country and an ethical responsibility towards your employees that help you run your organization on a daily basis. To the employees and citizens continue the fight for your rights, unite while adhering to the law at all times and let respect prevail at all times. Do not hide behind social media to disrespect Ministers or nobody, that’s very low. Let’s rise back to the standards of being an “educated and smart country”. We all have our shortcomings and difference in views and ways of handling but don’t forget we can always agree to disagree.

Let’s not get personal, disrespectful nor emotional. In a separate article I would like to propose some solutions that doesn’t cost country SXM no real monies but can guide the country towards the right direction. It’s about reaching the final line together as one, those that abusing the system have to be properly dealt with and those being victimized have to be protected by the government and that can only be done through passing of balanced laws and policies where all involved can make a living not only a selective few! Government remember you suppose to be For the people, with the people together with the people!