Pellet gun, weed confiscated at school from student

Pellet gun in student’s backpack


CUL DE SAC, Sint Maarten (OM/KPSM) – A student of Sint Maarten Vocational School is now sitting behind bars thinking about his decision to take a weapon and drugs to school on Tuesday morning.

The teenager was found with a pellet gun and a quantity of marijuana (weed) in his backpack along with his notebooks and lunch. The confiscated items were found during a random search of students by school authorities.

The police were called in and the student was arrested. He remains detained as further investigation into his case continues.

This incident of a student taking a weapon and drugs to school not only has legal consequences. It contributes to the possible escalation of violence and creates an unhealthy and unsafe environment for fellow students and faculty. Should there be escalation, good students may end up paying for the actions of the bad ones in the fallout.

The incident underscores the need for permanent security at Sint Maarten Vocational School (and other schools where this may be lacking) for the safety of all students and faculty and to ensure a constant presence of authority.

This incident and others, such as fights outside of schools in the past week, involving students bring to the fore the need for violence disrupters who are vigilant for possible flashpoints and can take actions to prevent escalation. Security personnel can serve in the role of violence disrupters by aiding school authorities with checking that weapons or other illegal items are not transported onto school premises.

The Police Force of Sint Maarten KPSM and the Prosecutor’s Office OM SXM urge parents to be vigilant about the actions and behavior of their children. Constant vigilance by parents or guardians will go a long way in preventing children from coming into contact with the law.

As for students, KPSM and OM SXM called on them to consider how involvement in and/or aiding illegal activities could affect future goals, from career paths to job prospects. It is also very important for students to speak up if they notice illegal activities in and around their schools. To “say something when you see something” does not equal to snitching or ratting out a fellow student, because it is the responsibility of everyone to do their part to ensure there is a safe environment to learn and thrive in. Remember, it is for your safety too!