RAPF presents certificate of completion to interns



PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Certificates of completion were presented to three students of the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School who have successfully completed four weeks of internship with the Royal Anguilla Police Force (RAPF), as part of their 2021 Summer Placement Programme.

Present at this morning ceremony was Commissioner of Police Mr. David Lynch, Senior officers of the RAPF, parents of the interns and coordinators of the programme from ALHCs Miss Anita Ruan, and Officer Marcelle Dottin from the RAPF. As part of this morning ceremony, the interns presented a power point presentation highlighting the experience gained throughout their attachment, and the various learning points achieved throughout their postings.

In addressing those present, Commissioner Lynch thank the interns, and all those responsible for making the programme a success. He also itemized that the RAPF is pleased to be part of the programme, and making a positive impact on the youths, and by extension the community of Anguilla.

Coordinator from the ALHCS Miss Anita Ruan express her gratitude to the RAPF for being part of the Summer Placement Programme for over twenty-five plus years, she also expressed her admiration to the interns for their superb presentation and wished them well in their future endeavor. The recipients who received certificate of completion are Reniqua Proctor, Tyler Lake and Jaheim Lynch.

The ceremony ended with some light refreshments in which everyone present partake of.