Prime Minister Jacobs sends formal congratulatory message to Mark Rutte

The Prime Minister of Sint Maarten Hon. Silveria Jacobs


SINT MAARTEN, PHILIPSBURG – The Prime Minister of Sint Maarten Hon. Silveria Jacobs sent a formal congratulatory message to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte who was sworn in on Monday, January 10 along with members of his cabinet.

The new cabinet of the Dutch Government is the fourth to be led by Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs Mark Rutte. The new Dutch Government coalition is comprised of the following political parties, VVD, D66, CDA and the ChristenUnie.

The prime minister’s formal communique included the following:

“After Hurricane Irma in September 2017, the Netherlands and other Kingdom partners quickly intervened to assist Sint Maarten, for this, we are beyond grateful.

“We look forward to moving towards the goal of economic resilience together with the Netherlands and our other Kingdom partners in the coming years. I wish you and your colleagues a successful term in office.”