Parliamentary meetings — February 28 — March 4, 2022


Kindly see below the schedule for the Parliamentary meetings

FEBRUARY 28 – MARCH 4, 2022
Monday, February 28, 2022 Continuation CJ 04 14.00 1. Update work visit to the Netherlands 

2. Developments in our detention system

3. Progress with the Function Book of the Ministry of Justice

4. Update immigration data from the Immigration and Border Protection Services

(IS/131/2021-2022 dated October 14, 2021)

Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 AHCER 02 14.00 Presentation by One SXM Association on a Referendum for Sint Maarten (IS/419/2021-2022 dated January 3, 2022) One SXM Association
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Thursday, March 3, 2022 CC 18 14.00 Discussion with the WICSU/PSU regarding the current situation of their members of the Air Traffic Services at PJIAE NV (IS/544/2021-2022 dated February 9, 2022) WICSU/PSU
Friday, March 4, 2022 Continuation CC 16 09.30 3. Ontwerplandsverordening tot wijziging van de Landsverordening op de inkomstenbelasting, de Landsverordening op de loonbelasting, de Landsverordening op de winstbelasting, de Logeergastenbelastingverordening, de Verhuurautobelastingverordening, de Motorrijtuigenbelastingverordening en de Overdrachtsbelastingverordening in verband met de vestiging van een kantoor van de Wereldbank in Sint Maarten (IS/443/2021-2022 d.d. 12 januari 2022) (Zittingsjaar 2021-2022-155) MinAZ
