Leader of the United St. Maarten Party concerned about Repeat Victimization

Pamela Gordon-Carty, Leader of the United St. Maarten Party (USP)


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — “Country Sint Maarten what is going on? “The US Party leader and board have taken note of the recent decision of the holding company of the airport (PJIAH) to dismiss COO Michel “Mikey” Hyman. “We will not allow this decision to simply fade away without voicing our disagreement with how our people are being hunted and destroyed throughout the system.”

The strategy has changed, now it’s “us against us” while the puppet master remains unseen” said Gordon Carty. “People be smart don’t permit yourself to be used as a pawn against your own.” Yes we stand for transparency, integrity and good governance at all time. But the USP is certainly against pulling down our own, discrediting them and putting their families in a delicate situation. That will never have our support.

“What happen to principle people of Sint Maarten?”
Privacy ordinance exist, the civil code is filled with “do’s and don’ts” but consequences especially those that can have long lasting negative effects on people’s lives, must be considered before hasty decisions are made. “The devil lies in the details.” The fear tactic that is being promoted throughout the system is unacceptable. Selective groups, the so called “dominators” have embedded themselves in all layers of our society; from Parliament, to government, including the justice system, and the media is used as the conductor of it all. Individuals that are not team players are labelled discredited and dragged through the mud with the assistance of those that are supposed to protect the people of this country, Gordon Cary continued. Nowadays, when people are victimized you have to question those committing the act especially when the victim is being punished for doing the right thing.

Mr. Hyman, a 28 year pillar of the airport was dismissed for documenting administrative concerns at PJIA, a company he single handedly pulled from the rubble left by hurricane Irma and turning them over to Government (COM) and Parliament.

“We are requesting the population as the boss of Parliament and the owner of all government owned companies to come together and request that all government owned companies on country Sint Maarten be audited to the core,” said Gorden Carty, because it has been proven enough that too much of our own are being victimized, abused and oppressed because of wrongdoings that a small group doesn’t want exposed. The truth of it all will never come to light if these players continue to be in control.

USP reminds the population that in several articles of the past they warned if a stop is not put to abuse, it will continue to escalate. We have reached a point where if you do not sit quietly and allow the abuse, you are brought down by your own without a second thought. “The same modus operandi was used during the days of slavery, use your own against your own,” continued Gordon Carty. Remember staying quiet means you’re in approval, which means you are part of closing the doors on our future generation; which includes your own children unless you are part of the complot team.

How can country Sint Maarten be proud of what is going on? When are we going to stand up against this abuse of power and come together? We demand an investigation be conducted immediately!