NAGICO and Lions Club team up with local author for Book Drive

Teacher Betty Ellis & Roy ‘Quinton’ (center) poses with Eric Ellis (Right) and Parsram Singh (Left).


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — NAGICO Insurances donated 100 copies of a children’s book to the Lions Club, for their Book Drive, which is aimed at encouraging and developing a love for reading amongst our youngest readers, under the theme: “Readers Make Great Leaders”.

NAGICO was excited to be part of this project, as we believe reading is fundamental and helps to develop a person’s imagination and creativity.
“Reading helps to expand, shape and sharpen our minds, so instilling this in our children at an early age will help to spark an interest and encourage them to develop a love for reading,” NAGICO said in a Press Release. “When approached with this project, we decided to use the opportunity, to support one of our local authors in the process.”

The recently published Children’s book, Nuri’s Super Dad was written local author, Roy ‘Quinton’ Marlin.
“This is my first book, I have always wanted to write a book but never knew just how to get started,” he explained. “I was inspired and guided by another local author and was able to draw reference from my own personal experiences with my daughter, who is also the main character.”

Teacher Betty Ellis, who was the coordinator of this project congratulated Marlin on his accomplishment and thanked NAGICO for their continuous contributions.
“We approached several businesses to partner with us on this Book Drive because especially as an educator, we see more and more how important it is for children to be introduced to reading and education at an early age,” she said. “NAGICO did not hesitate or need any convincing to partner with us and we would like to thank them for this. We are also proud of that we can also use this opportunity to showcase and inspire our own local talents, because this also is proof to children everywhere, that you can do anything you put your mind to.”