South Reward new elected community council

left to right: Nelly Blaise (Secretary), Isha Marlin (Boardmember), David Arthur Richardson (President), Hendrika Martina (Boardmember),Pedro Granger (Treasurer)


South Reward, Sint Maarten — The Sint Maarten Community  Collective South Reward has appointed a new board. The board of young professionals with a passionate drive for community building and unity has begun with several community initiatives and will continue  to  create efforts that  stimulate projects which are impactful to the residents of South Reward.

“We are happy to take on this new challenge and we hope to continue with the same drive and energy as the previous board. South Reward is one of the biggest districts on the island and we have much work ahead”: says President David Arthur Richardson.

“We have a lot of initiatives that we would like to see into fruition and will keep our residents updated on what’s next”. ” be on a lookout for WhatsApp broadcasts, Facebook posts and any other media platforms.