Gordon Carty: Actions and decisions must reflect our current realities.

Leader of the US party Mrs. Pamela Gordon


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The leader of the United St. Maarten Party stated on Sunday that as a former Minister of Labor she looked back on the irony of Labor Day celebrations filled with award ceremonies, and motivational speeches in celebration, and wondered why our laborers current realities were not effectively reflected in the day’s celebrations.

“Recent developments with regards to workers’ rights has been far from celebratory, many are without jobs, others were suspended or fired unjustly, some resigned because of victimization and or suppression, and the majority are being systematically abused,” said Gordon-Carty.

“Labor Day celebrations is a tradition deeply rooted in the fight against injustice. Public recognition of individuals, nice words, and promises should never overshadow the significance of the day.” Our forefather’s, once slaves were mistreated abused and used as free labor. Today it seems like proposed laws, and forced agreements are being used to either formalize and or orchestrate modern day slavery, continued Gordon – Carty.

Some use futile writing, crafty negotiation or manipulative expressions to disguise the obvious, and as in the past the truth is seldom, partially or selectively written.

While many today might want to forget that part of our history, it is important for us to keep things in perspective and pay close attention to any decisions that erode the progress we have collectively made as a people.

“Together we stand stronger and able to overcome any and all obstacles. Our history and the legacy of our forefathers is living proof of that fact. We should not allow ourselves to be used as stepping stones to fulfill the agendas of others. The development of this country thus far has been born on the backs of its people, laborers who worked tirelessly to build and support institutions and an economy that has been developed without the influence or support of those that now want to dominate and manage it. The laborers efforts need to be rewarded, respected and applauded, not downplayed, belittled and/or disregarded to justify the importation of so called none available local expertise, with dragged out promises of local counter parts,” said Gordon-Carty.

“We cannot allow ourselves whether mentally or figuratively to be placed in a minority position while in reality we are the majority.” The playing field must remain level at all times, history must never repeat itself, returning to a time when people were not treated equal, or as objects, there must be justice for all without prejudice at all times. “What I am witnessing now on many levels is a far cry from being just and as a people we deserve better,” said Gordon-Carty.