US party Leader Gordon-Carty will propose New Law to Parliament after Recess

Pamela Gordon-Carty, Leader of the United St. Maarten Party (USP)


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The US Party leader Mrs. Pamela Gordon Carty in an interview on Wendell Moore last week made it clear that she will be proposing a law that will have a positive ripple effect on the social development of the country. The proposed law will focus on recent college graduates and students seeking employment for the first time. The goal is to lower the unemployment rate among young people and give incentives to businesses that hire young adults. “As a business owner for 26 years, and as an Accountant and tax expert I have a good understanding of the challenges faced by businesses on St. Maarten,” said Gordon Carty.

“We as business owners are facing challenging times and besides having to cope with running our business on a daily basis, non-paying customers, late paying customers, insufficient revenue generating months, and tax obligations, contributes to an already depressing atmosphere. The economy thrives when we as the business sector thrive, and it crashes when we as businesses owners crash. We are a strong contributing factor to the well-being of the country and are expected to contribute, but government also has a responsibility to facilitate some sort of alleviation as well,” continued Gordon Carry.

The proposal law will entail the following – “All businesses on country Sint Maarten from large to small (excluding micro) businesses will be subjected to a yearly mandatory quota of hiring a first time youngster between the ages of 18 to 26 that is unemployed, or a recent graduate whether on island or coming home from studying abroad. As an incentive businesses that comply will be able to declare 35% of the young adult’s annual salary as a “donation” and get it reimbursed despite having an outstanding for government. Functions that require a particular expertise is also included as long as the student is a graduate in that area and was born on of Sint Maarten,” said Gordon Carty.

The pros:
1. Companies are directly contributing towards social development and the reduction of the unemployment rate.
2. You directly target the younger generation, encouraging to be productive contributors to society by giving them employment opportunities across various sectors of the economy.
3. Decrease work permits for functions that can be carried out by our own if given the opportunity.
4. Contribute to the collection of taxes into the coffers of country Sint Maarten
5. Less immigrants being miss-used in the work force and not getting paid or paying their fair share to the tax authorities.
6. Better control.
7. A positive impact on the emotional health amongst our frustrated young adults.
8. A positive outlook of hope amongst our graduating students that the country is looking after their best interest.
9. A contribution towards decrease in criminal activities and abuse of substance, due stress, creating a heathier environment.
10. Encourages businesses to hire more locals.
11. Existing basic labor laws will still be applicable, especially sick leave law.
12. Stimulate internal shifting and promotions so that lower ranking jobs become available because they are incentivized.
13. Country Sint Maarten will be in compliance with the fundamental UN human rights laws which are: Article 2 – freedom from discrimination, Article 3-freedom to live a dignified life, Article 4 – freedom of slavery, Article 7 – rights to equality before the law, Article 22 – right to social security, Article 23 – right to work, Article 25 – right to adequate standard of living, and Article 29 – right to duty to your community.
14. Illegal workers can’t have preference over those that are registered and or born here.

Gordon Carty welcomes the public to interact with her party as they would like to hear the Public’s views on the different laws proposals thus far. “A panel is being put together so healthy discussions can be held with the public so together we can push this country in the direction we want it to go. Having the population involved and moving towards creative ways of solving ongoing issues, can only be accomplished through the adoption and implementation of laws. Country package, COHO or not, government has a role to play and legislation needs to be in put place,” lamented Gordon Carty.

“The business community is encouraged and invited to interact with the party via its Facebook page United St. Maarten Party to express their sentiments and share constructive advice. This is an opportunity for us to seek solutions together in the best interest of all,” concluded Gordon Carty.