Gromyko Wilson questions “Pro Local” approach of Government and Public Sector



Gromyko Wilson an aspiring political candidate for the upcoming (2023) elections

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten —  In a press statement of Tuesday, August 20, 2022, Gromyko Wilson questioned the so called “Pro Local” approach of Government and organizations within the Public Sector.

“It is baffling to see how our Government officials campaign every single election on job security, employment and stimulating the locally owned small businesses, yet job vacancies are predominantly published in print media abroad and on LinkedIn or other international online recruitment platforms,” Wilson stated.

“What happened to promoting our own? How is it that politicians stop fighting for jobs for our locals when they get in office? What happened to the qualified political slogan? Why is it that we do not advertise on the different local online media platforms and on our radio stations?” continued Wilson.

“ As of June 2022 SZV has hired a local in the position of HR Management. our locals also deserve to enjoy a good salary and companies benefits!” Wilson said.

“Why does the Sint Maarten Government / SMMC feel the need to advertise (ambulance) paramedics positions in Suriname? Do we not have these professionals here? Do we not have a nursing school here on the island? Was this ad placed in local print and online media?” he queried.

“Then there is NRPB that is carrying out Government’s projects that advertises on either their own page that barely anyone follows or on international recruitment platforms. Now and again, they make use of the print media and not online media on Sint Maarten, but that is about it. Why have a Qredits program if you yourself do not stimulate local businesses and employees? Why not advertise with the different small media businesses on Sint Maarten? What about our radio stations?” he continued.

“Pass by NRPB’s office and you can see how many locals work at NRPB and you will also understand what positions they hold in that organization, in reference to the ads that are advertised abroad. What happened to the Government’s own website? Why can’t our locals get these positions? It does not stop there. Even the Social Economic Council and Sint Maarten Tourist office advertise on online platforms abroad and not on the Government’s page or the different local online media. What is the message that we are sending to our students and residing residence?” Wilson asked.

Wilson further explained that this is an alarming trend that does not promote small businesses on Sint Maarten nor create actual opportunity of employment for locals. He added, “If we only advertise abroad, how do we expect our locals to find jobs and contribute to the economy? Yet, come election time all of them will be singing the same ‘Pro Local’ tune.