PSG Prepares for Sustained Growth in Cargo Division. Employs First Female Crane Operator

L to R: Jerry Nicholson – Crane Operator/Assistant Crane Supervisor; Andy Daflaar – Crane Operator/Terminal Operations Coordinator; Diana Nicholson – Trainee Crane Operator; Kimba Thomas – Trainee Crane Operator; Romeo Gumbs – Crane Operator/Crane Supervisor.


PORT ST. MAARTEN – Port St. Maarten Group (PSG) is preparing for sustained growth of incoming cargo at the Captain David Quay located at the Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise & Cargo Facility.

In the coming years, local construction and building sector indicators reveal a very active period with a number of projects continuing to come online in 2023 and beyond. The cargo sector is a vital part of the nation’s economy and hard and soft investments are needed.

Diana Nicholson is PSGs first female trainee crane operator. She started her training in August 2022 and has been working in the safety and security department at PSG since 2018, but from very young, always had an interest in operating heavy machinery.

Nicholson’s advice to young females is: “Don’t limit yourself to what society tells you is best for you, especially when it is based on a gender stereotype. Follow your intuition, dream big and do not be afraid to pursue those dreams, and if your dreams don’t scare you, then you’re not dreaming big enough. Dream Bigger!”

Kimba Thomas is the second trainee crane operator who applied at PSG and was selected due to his number of years of experience operating heavy equipment for construction companies in St. Kitts & Nevis, England, Africa, Antigua, St. Lucia, and Sint Maarten.

PSG Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Alexander Gumbs said he is now very pleased to have a female form part of PSGs talented crane and cargo team.  “We are always working to promote our staff to the next level as part of our business human resource development and instilling of organization citizenship.

“Our seasoned operators will be training the new recruits in the coming months testing and sharpening their operating capabilities. All operators will be going through additional training in the fourth quarter by certified technicians out of the U.S.,” PSG CEO Gumbs said on Tuesday.