APS launches digital pension portal ‘My APS’


Personal pension information accessible safely online

Cayhill, Sint Maarten, — Algemeen Pensioenfonds Sint Maarten (APS) launched My APS – a new digital platform where participants of the fund can access their personal pension information online. Participants can now view personal data such as their current pension build-up, consequences of early retirement, and attainable old-age pension. Participants can log in via portal.apsxm.org with their own personal login details.

With the portal, APS takes another step towards digitization of its business processes. An important feature of the portal is the now digitally available annual pension overview (pensioenbericht) for participants of the fund. Before the portal was launched, participants received annual information about their personal pension situation hard copy via post or their employer. APS will continue to send the overviews hard copy until further notice, so participants have time to adjust to the new channel.

‘Personal financial planning also means planning for the future. It is important to know where you stand today, so you can make informed decisions for tomorrow. We are proud and happy to offer our participants online access to the status of their pension, because it increases transparency for all parties. A great feature of the portal is that participants can assess if their personal information is up-to-date. This is important, because life events like, change of employer, working more or fewer hours, marriage, divorce, and having children, all have an effect on your future pension’, said APS Director Nadya Croes-van Putten.

‘The My APS participant portal is a great milestone for APS, as this is one of the many goals set by APS. We are very grateful to all employees who contributed and worked tirelessly to filter and confirm all data so we could prepare for a successful launch of the My APS participant portal,’ added vice-Director Oscar Williams.

APS secures pensions for civil servants, teachers, and employees of other government-related organizations on the island of Sint Maarten. Are you an employee of one of these organizations and did you not receive your portal login details? Please contact APS via [email protected].