RM Productions Treats 721 Kids Foundation

Mr. Marlin with Mrs. Shalland of 721 Kids Foundation


Philipsburg – On February 14, 2023, Mr. Richard E. Marlin of RM Productions surprised the Director of 721 Kids Foundation Mrs. Termada Shalland, her staff and students with Valentine’s Day treats and tokens of appreciation.

“When I heard about Excellence Learning Academy closing down and saw the determination of the parents to keep the students together, I found it necessary to not only show appreciation to the staff who stayed on but especially to Mrs. Shalland, the Director, who opened her heart and came to the rescue.  I think it takes a special kind of person to go above and beyond for the greater good and that sort of selflessness should be acknowledged,” Marlin stated.

Arriving at 721 Kids, Mr. Marlin met and thanked Mrs. Shalland for her kindness and courage. The Director of 721 Kids, who runs an afternoon school program, has now taken on management of the staff and students of the former Excellence Learning Academy. Marlin delivered treats to all the students, in both the morning and afternoon programs, and special tokens of appreciation to the staff and Director.

“We need to understand that acts of love and generosity should be met with appreciation and recognition. Mrs. Shalland took on a huge challenge when she didn’t have to. I consider her a community hero! I was touched by this story and this is why I chose to treat these special women on Valentine’s Day. I believe in giving people their flowers while they are alive.”

“My hope for 721 Kids Foundation is that it gets all the financial support and attention it deserves. This story is a great example of people in our community coming together to solve a problem. If more of us were this compassionate, the country would be a lot better,” concluded Marlin.

Mrs. Shalland thanked Mr. Marlin on behalf of the staff and students of 721 Kids Foundation. RM Productions is a non-profit focused simply on giving back to the community.