Dear Editor,

My name is Joseph Peterson, I’m a candidate on the URSM party list.
I am here to talk to you about The Dangers of Selling Your Vote.
You are a loyal follower of your political party, however you need to ask yourself the question: are you better off now, then how you were before you voted for them, if you are not satisfied with your situation right now, then it’s time for you to make a change.
I have lived practically my entire life on Sint Maarten. I’ve seen all the different political parties come and go.
Every election is the same thing, those that is in power now try to fool the people by doing small things like fixing the roads, and other small things, which makes me to wonder what happened to the years that they are in power, and why they don’t follow through on their commitment to the people that voted them in to Parliament.
Why aren’t they helping the people, and why do they wait until it comes close to a new election year to start doing small things, to fool the people to vote them back in Parliament.
I’m here now to tell those people of Sint Maarten that believe that your vote doesn’t make a difference, I totally understand where you’re coming from. There are some political parties hoping that you stay at home because they have their followers, and if you continue to believe that your vote doesn’t make a difference, then they have a chance to win, and get right back in Government.
I know your hurting and struggling right now. Some of you are working two or even three jobs to make ends meet, and you really want to make a difference. In this upcoming election, you’re willing to come out to vote, and right now you don’t know which political party will have the integrity and strength to make the difference that this Country really needs right now.
Unified Resilient Sint Maarten Movement (URSM), our name says it, we are Unified and Resilient. We strongly believe in the principle of democracy rule of Law and inclusion, while upholding and honoring our citizens values as the fundamental rights, freedoms, conscious conviction for all.
URSM will lead with a clear vision and approach that is anchored in dignity, integrity, equality, peace and respect, contributing to the betterment of the people and Sint Maarten.
Now, to our topic of the article The Dangers of Vote Buying. There are different political parties running for this new election, and every one of the candidates of course have their favorite followers.
Some have rich followers, and some have regular followers; of course, there are those that are going to try to buy your vote. It might not be the politician themselves, but one of those rich followers are willing to buy your vote for the candidate that they are supporting, because they want their candidate to win the election.
The integrity of the politician that their followers are buying votes for, is questionable. If those politicians do not reach out to their followers, and letting them know that it is wrong to buy votes, then that politician has no morals, no Character, and no integrity, and definitely does not deserve to be in parliament.
Those citizens that are willing to sell their vote need to think about their future, because the funds or items that you are going to get for your vote, will only last for that day or month or so.
What happens to you for the rest of the four years, when that politician is going to be in parliament. Do you believe that the politician you voted for is going to help you. They might not be the politician that bought your vote, it’s probably one of their rich followers that wanted them to win the election, so be careful to whom you are selling your vote too. Quite frankly, your vote is valued more than what they might want to pay you.
You have the power this election to make a difference, I urge you to come out and vote, do your research and vote for the right party the one that is going to help the people of this Country.
The URSM is a new party, and our Leader Dr. Luc Mercelina has been preparing his candidates for this election, and we do believe that we have a team of candidates, that are ready to lead our people and bring our country back on its feet, and make Sint Maarten once again, the Jewel of the Caribbean.
If you want a serious Government who will “HELP YOU” and Not “HURT YOU”… you must vote URSM
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