Proselyte Reef/Man of War Shoals Marine Park Marker Buoy Back in Service 



PORT ST. MAARTEN – Port St. Maarten Group (PSG) Maritime Department would like to inform mariners and other stakeholders that the Proselyte Reef/Man of War Shoals Marine Park marker buoy located south of Port St. Maarten is back in service as of Friday, October 27. 

The buoy broke loose from its location earlier in the week possibly from the inclement weather with the passing of Hurricane Tammy. The buoy was reported on Monday to be adrift in the area of Back Bay. 

The marker buoy is located at 17 degrees 59.35 minutes North and 063 degrees and 03.68 West.

The yellow and black buoy is known as a west cardinal marker with a white flashing light which flashes nine times every 10 seconds at night.

The buoy is located at a key transit route in and out of Port St. Maarten and marks the important protected location of the reef and marine park which is a habitat for different types of fish and coral species. 

Ships are not allowed to anchor or transit and must go around the protected area which is marked by the buoy.