St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry election update

COCI Head Office Philipsburg.


Philipsburg — The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry hereby informs the General Public of the results of the nomination of candidates vying for the Board of Directors of the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry held from November 6 to December 8, 2023.

The Election Committee met on Monday, November 20, 2023, to review the nomination forms of the various candidates for the three vacancies, and has arrived at the following conclusions:

Four (4) candidates were nominated for the Two (2) positions on the Board of Directors to represent the Small Business Sector. They are Messer. P. Friday, C. Gonsalves, Gumbs. and P. Lake.

Two (2) candidates were nominated for the One (1) position on the Board of Directors to represent the Large Business sector. They are Messer. L. Bute and P. Friday.

The Committee found that candidates for the Small Business sector did not meet the requirements of the Chamber Election Ordinance (P.B. 1944 No.202).  Due to shortcomings/defaults, nomination forms were returned for revision. The deadline for re-submittance is Wednesday, November 22, 2023, at 12:00 noon.

Three (3) candidates were nominated to fill three (3) vacancies on the Board representing the Large and Small Business Sector. The election will be on December 8, 2023, from 8:30 am to 12 noon.