FAVE’s St. Maarten Academy PSVE Plans their School’s Development



On February 14 and 15th, the team at the St. Maarten Academy PSVE participated in two team workdays to complete stage 1 in formulating their school’s development planning (SDP) cycle, to 2027. 

Under the auspices of the school’s Board, the Foundation for Academic and Vocational Education (FAVE), the school’s substitute Acting School Manager Ms. Caline Celestine opened the two days’ activities, together with FAVE’s Interim Executive Director Mrs. Talullah Baly-Vanterpool who offered welcome remarks and updates to the team.  FAVE’s Chair Mr. Elroy Hughes also shared with the team and welcomed the participants, acknowledging that it was Valentine’s Day.

Gathered for the review workdays at the Carl and Son’s establishment, FAVE’s vocational team answered the question “Where are we now?” through a series of whole school and focused group discussions and presentations aimed at improving the school’s planning, programs and services.

Mrs. Marisha Olivacce served as the school’s SDP facilitator, in collaboration with the Board’s SDP Facilitator, Innovations Coordinator Mrs. Lavern Nelson.  Together, they charted the team-review process which included solicited feedback through surveys to the school’s parents/guardians, students and staff.  Additionally, the team reviewed a number of essential documents and policies such as the FAVE’s Strategic Plan 2023-2027, FAVE’s values, vision, mission and goal statements and the school’s preliminary SDP Chapters 1 and 2, recommending what needed to remain or be omitted, amended or added. At the end of the two day process, the school determined the priorities for strategic action planning during the upcoming stage 2, the design stage of the SDP project. The design stage will answer the question “where are we going?” 

Like its vocational campus, FAVE’s academic campus is formulating their SDP cycle, to 2027, and will host their team workdays to begin their review in the SDP planning process.  FAVE’s SDP Project is a collaborative effort, coordinated by its Innovations Coordinator, Mrs. Lavern Nelson.