The newly elected Parliament of Sint Maarten held its first meeting, Public meeting


Phillipsburg, Sint Maarten — The newly elected Parliament of Sint Maarten held its first meeting, Public meeting no. 11, on Saturday, February 10, 2024. In accordance with the Rules of Order for Parliament, since neither the Chairperson nor the Vice-Chairpersons of the previous period form part of the new Parliament, the Member with the longest membership and the oldest in years acts as the Chairperson. Hence, Member of Parliament, Mrs. Sarah A. Wescot-Williams, acted as Chairperson for this meeting.

During the handling of the agenda point, each Member of Parliament took the opportunity to direct themselves to Parliament and the people of Sint Maarten based on their election to Parliament. After that, Parliament went over to electing the Chairperson, 1st Vice-Chairperson, and 2nd Vice Chairperson of Parliament.
Member of Parliament Mrs. Sarah A. Wescot-Williams was unanimously elected as the Chairperson of Parliament with all 15 votes. Member of Parliament Mr. Christophe T. Emmanuel was elected as the 1st Vice-Chairperson with 8 votes, and Member of Parliament Ms. Melissa D. Gumbs was elected as the 2nd Vice-Chairperson of Parliament also with 8 votes