Annual Inter school swim meet



The participating elementary and high schools are gearing up this Sunday, March 10th, 2024 at the Carib Swim pool in Colebay, for what promises to be another exciting Inter school swim meet. Over the past few weeks, the swimmers from the various school teams have been practicing enthusiastically and consistently to win not only the top individual medals but the trophies as well for their respective schools. 

The elementary inter-school swim meet will begin at 9 am and the High school inter- school swim meet will begin at 3 pm. The participating elementary schools are: Learning Unlimited, St. Dominic Elementary school, Sister. Regina School, Caribbean International Academy (CIA)/ Montessori School, Sister Marie Laurence School and the Browlia F. Maillard Campus (MAC).

The high schools who will be competing are the: Milton Peters College (MPC), St. Dominic High School, Learning Unlimited High school, St. Maarten Vocational School (SMVTS), Charlotte Brookson Academy, St. Maarten Academy, Caribbean International Academy (CIA), College Lycee Victor Hugo from the French side and individual swimmers who are homeschooled. 

Which school will win the coveted first prize? and which school will win the most spirited award? We encourage all parents, guardians and supporters to come out and support the schools’ swim teams.  This event is sponsored by St. Maarten Aquatic Federation (SMAF), Caribbean Gems and Carib Swim Team.