Brug vows to continue his pledge to take a different road

Richinel Brug


PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Recently sworn in Member of Parliament Richinel Brug expressed in his first official press statement on Tuesday, 3rd June 2024 his dissatisfaction with all political parties. “Over the past few weeks, there have been several political developments, some even making history, putting St. Maarten in a very unflattering spotlight. The formation of the government has not been without its challenges.

After all is said and done, we are headed back to the polls again in a matter of a few months causing a delay in pressing matters that need our attention, because the issues of our people still remain.”

“Now more than ever, we need to choose wisely who we give the next mandate to lead us.” 

I’ll just say “when people show you who they are, believe them! This is not the time for political bickering nor tit for tats. The people of Sint Maarten expect its leaders to govern and lead this country now more than ever with vision and compassion.” 

“My first and foremost priority has always been to advocate on behalf of the people of St. Maarten. This was the case before I entered the political arena and will continue to be my focus as I fulfill my role as a Member of Parliament. I vow to continue taking a different road. Unlike others who are busy with the blame game, I will continue to push to alleviate poverty on Sint Maarten. My first priority will be to secure the breakfast program for our students who go to school on an empty stomach. Last year I submitted a draft National Decree enabling a complete meal program project for those students who come to school without. This draft legislation will be resubmitted to the Minister of Education. In addition I will push to ensure that the Minister of VSA prolongs (some version) of the pilot program carried out by her predecessor at the end of last year that should have been budgeted for and approved on the 2024 budget.” 

“As stated during my introduction speech on the floor of parliament, as a family man, front-line worker, and businessman, I too experience hardship in our community. Our people are suffering while games are being played in Parliament. As a result of this, our people have lost faith in our political system and us as leaders. I will do my best to bring draft legislation to improve the quality of life for our children, seniors, and other vulnerable groups in our community. Furthermore, I will support any draft legislation that serves the best interest of our people, whether it comes from the minority or the majority in parliament. I have no problem voting across party lines. I support any and every proposal that is in the best interest of the people of Sint Maarten.”