Soualiga Corporate Toastmasters Celebrates another outstanding term of achievements for 2023-2024



Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – Soualiga Corporate Toastmasters Club (SCTMC) proudly celebrated 20 years of changing the lives and minds of its members. Celebrating milestones is one way that Toastmasters reflect on the progress made over the years while considering opportunities for the future. 

Outgoing President of SCTMC Past District Director, Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Brenda Maynard, completed her term as of June 30, 2024, with ten of ten goals, one of the highest recognitions at Toastmasters International Level leading her club to a President Distinguished Club for her term 2023-2024.

PDD Brenda Maynard, DTM thanks her Board members for their continued support in her journey. She has also been selected to receive the Presidential Citation and will be presented to her at the 93rd International Convention being held in Anaheim, California. She will be presented this award in recognition of her outstanding achievements in representing the goals and ideals of Toastmasters International. This being one of Toastmasters’ highest honors. Additionally, she has also been recognized by Sint Maarten Lions with the award: Lion of the year 2023-2024 for her outstanding work with Sint Maarten Omega (Leo) Club. 

SCTMC was chartered on August 25, 2004, and is an exciting and dynamic club where Civil Servants meet to acquire the tools that enable members to become effective communicators and leaders. It is a part of Toastmasters International, a worldwide organization that help members learn the arts of speaking, listening, and thinking via a vibrant program of communication and leadership projects.

Our friendly island is currently home to over 14 Toastmasters clubs for which the vivacious SCTMC is the one and only corporate club. 

The 2023/2024 club year was an active year filled with informative, fun, and engaging activities for all Civil Servants and guests. Meetings are held virtually on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month and at the Government Building on Pond Island for all civil servants at 5:30 PM. 

Distinguished Toastmaster Brenda Maynard turns the baton over to incoming board, she would like to thank the following persons for the achievement during her term Newly appointed Distinguished Toastmaster Jacqueline Rogers Brooks, 2nd term Distinguished Toastmaster Denise Williams-Warner, Area Director Helen Cristina-Romeo, DTM, who will be taking up the challenge as our Division Director for term 2024-2025, Area Director Sherritza Peterson and PAM Linette A. Gibs and to all the members who have achieved their goals during her term thank you as our Club Mission says:  We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

SCTC newly elected board is Denise Williams-Warmer, DTM, President, responsible for the club’s overall operation, president presides at meetings, guides the club through the Distinguished Club Program, meets regularly with club officers and works closely with the area director to coordinate goals. With a big-picture perspective, the president sets the trajectory for the club’s activities.

Linette A. Gibs, DTM as Vice President Education (VPE) This officer helps members progress in their educational journeys by scheduling meeting roles and signing off on completed projects. VPEs facilitate new-member orientation and assign mentors. This position is often regarded as the most challenging, but it doesn’t have to be if the workload is divided.

Jacquline Rogers-Brooks, DTM Vice President Membership (VPM)
These officers focus on building club membership. They greet visitors, provide them with information packs and plan outreach activities (open house or community events) to attract visitors.

TM Shannon Richardson, Vice President Public Relations (VPPR)
This officer establishes and maintains the lines of communication between the club and its members, as well as between the club and the public. Activities include writing and distributing press releases and newsletters and conducting publicity campaigns and website maintenance, as well as social media representation.

TM Sherritza Peterson, Secretary The club secretary manages all records and correspondence, including membership attendance, supply orders, officer lists, past club records and meeting minutes. This job is less visible but plays a significant role in cultivating camaraderie and engagement.

PDD Brenda Maynard, DTM Treasurer The treasurer manages the club’s financial health by collecting dues, paying bills and tracking financial status. This role is important (especially at contest time) because the “club in good standing” status is dependent on paid memberships. Members with an accounting background are very comfortable and well-suited for this role

Helen Cristina-Romeo, DTM : Sergeant at Arms
The sergeant at arms (SAA) addresses meeting logistics, including room reservations and meeting set-up and cleanup. They arrange timing lights, the club banner, the nation’s flag (if displayed at the meeting), direction signs and evaluation forms. The SAA properly stores and transports the supplies and equipment. If you’ve ever arrived at a meeting and found it completely ready to go, thank the sergeant at arms!

As outgoing President of SCTMC Past District Director, Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Brenda Maynard congratulates the newly elected Board and with much success for the term 2024-2025.

To our Civil Servants who are not yet onboard this Toastmasters Journey you are missing out on an opportunity where you can enhance your leadership and communication skills.

IPP Brenda Maynard, DTM would like to leave you with these words Celebrate every step of accomplishments and success will be automatic.