Small Property Owners Workshop Focuses on Digital Marketing and Business

L-R: Property owner participants, Ms. Nzinga Lake, SMSPA Presidents and facilitator of the workshop Ms.Kenty Lichtenburg of Be Your Own Brand.


In celebration of World Tourism Day 2024, Alicia’s Inn, L’Esperance Hotel and Joshua Rose Guest House honored for their un waving commitment to their property’s growth and commitment to our tourism sector”.

Great BayThe St. Maarten Small Properties Association in collaboration with digital marketing and branding expert Ms. Kenty Lichtenberg successfully facilitated a comprehensive workshop aimed at empowering small property owners. The event, held on October 4th at L”Esperance Guest House Pavilion, Cay hill  focused on equipping participants with the knowledge and tools to build their online presence and leverage digital marketing strategies for business growth. With an emphasis on understanding their market, attendees learned how to craft tailored approaches that resonate with their target audiences.

During the two-hour session, Lichtenberg emphasized the importance of digital marketing fundamentals, including optimizing property listings on key platforms, utilizing social media to increase visibility, and creating a consistent brand identity across all channels. The workshop also featured hands-on activities to help attendees assess their current digital strategies and identify opportunities for improvement. Participants were particularly engaged in interactive exercises that focused on leveraging social media effectively to reach potential clients both locally and internationally.

“A key highlight of the workshop was the in-depth discussion on understanding one’s market to design more effective marketing campaigns” stated Ms.Nzinga Lake, President of the St. Maarten Small Properties Association (SMSPA). “Ms. Lichtenberg provided insight into how small property owners can better position their properties by analyzing customer needs and preferences”. “This understanding, she explained, is crucial for developing targeted promotions and packages that meet market demands while ensuring sustainable business growth” said Ms. Lake.

L-R: In celebration of World Tourism day 2024 , Ms. Jeannia Dupersoy of Alicia’s Inn, Ms.Nzinga Lake of SMSPA President, Ms. Patricia Rogers of L’Esperance Hotel and Ms.Nadia Gumbs of Joshua Rose Guest House being honored for their dedication and commitment to their properties grow and the island tourism sector.

The St. Maarten Small Properties Association expressed gratitude for the collaborative effort, noting that workshops like these are essential for equipping property owners with the skills to stay competitive in an evolving digital landscape. “In today’s market, it’s not enough to simply be listed online; you have to stand out and speak directly to your audience”. “This workshop provided just that,” said Ms. Lake. 

The event concluded with a call to action for participants to implement the strategies shared and continue their journey of growth through ongoing learning and adaptation. The association also took the opportunity in celebration of World Tourism day to honor three dedicated and passionate property owners, Ms. Jeannia Dupersoy of Alicia’s Inn, Ms. Patricia Rogers of L’Esperance Hotel and Ms. Nadia Gumbs of Joshua Rose Guest House for their un-waving dedication to their properties growth and commitment to our island’s tourism economy for the past 25 years and more combined. SMSPA also took the opportunity to thank Ms. Patricia Rogers of L’Esperance Hotel for sponsoring the venue for the workshop.