PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On December 18, 2024, The Inspectorate of VSA conducted an inspection at the Sint Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) following a complaint received on November 28, 2024, regarding water issues in the sterilization room.

During the inspection water samples were taken from four tap-points in the sterilization room to determine if there was any form of cross-contamination in the water lines. The adjoining room, surrounding areas as well as the sewage water holding tank was inspected.

We were informed that indeed there was an incident with water getting into the sterilization room. However, short-term actions were taken, like the pumping of the wastewater holding tank twice a week with a septic truck, the sealing of the space around the drain pipe where the water was seeping into the sterilization room. Other necessary measures were also being implemented to address the situation. We are happy to mention that the results from the water samples taken came back negative. There was no cross-contamination in the water lines.    

Subsequently, a follow-up inspection was conducted on December 16, 2024, to verify that the measures taken by the management of SMMC had yield the required results to maintain the safety of the employees of SMMC.

During the follow-up inspection the following findings and actions were observed:

The wastewater is currently being managed through twice-weekly pumping with a septic truck, and all necessary measures are being implemented to address the situation. Also, the connection of all sewage/wastewater lines to the newly installed wastewater treatment plant is scheduled for the coming week. The upcoming connection to the new wastewater treatment plant is expected to comprehensively resolve the wastewater issues. The Inspectorate will be updated on the wastewater treatment plant’s functionality after the connection is completed.

SMMC remains committed to addressing these concerns and ensuring the health and safety of its staff and patients. The organization continues to monitor the situation and take necessary corrective actions in collaboration with the Inspectorate of VSA.